CoreMedia Partnership in a Nutshell

This course introduces the relationship between CoreMedia and its partners. We introduce the team, the partner program, joint sales and marketing and show you the benefits of our CoreMedia Enablement and our support.
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What's included?

You will get...

  • a welcome message from CEO Sören Stamer
  • 5 informative sections on the team, the partner program, joint sales and marketing, our CoreMedia Enablement and our support

General Description

'Partnership in a Nutshell' gives you a quick overview of all relevant topics regarding your partnership with CoreMedia.

You will learn...

  • how important CoreMedia's partners are
  • who the team members are
  • what the Partner Program looks like
  • how the sales and marketing departments of CoreMedia and partners can work together
  • how our CoreMedia Enablement and our Support will assist you

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Course Lessons