Delete this section!!!

This is just some information for course creators. It should not appear on the actual course. 

Delete after reading.
About this course
This course is a "free" (=unrestricted) course which should be available without payment for all users. 

  • The course must be a "paid" course.
  • In the course header we will have two enroll-buttons;
  • The 1st button "Enroll €xxx" is an automatic system button, that cannot be removed. This button is visible only for already "Enrolled" users, and will then show the text "Continue".
  • The 2nd button "Enroll for free" calls a lambda function. The button is placed in a "buttons"-group, that is only visible for "Unenrolled" users.
  • The button itself is only visible for users tagged with "cr--flatrate" or "cr--internal".
  • The AWS lambda function, called by the "Enroll for free"-Button checks the user tag: Only if the user are tagged with "cr--internal" or "cr--flatrate", the user will be automatically enrolled!

TODO: Training name

TODO: Change the text of the course
Free enrollment!
Write your awesome label here.

What's included?

You will get... (TODO)

  • 3 Life Online Sessions
    (3x 3h 30m)
  • 12 Practical exercises
  • Access to a CMCC-11 development sandbox
  • Slide deck & Workbook as PDF
  • Certificate

TODO: Catchy phrase

TODO: here should be some interesting text that tells a bit about this course.

You will learn...

  • TODO: How to do this
  • TODO: How to do that
  • TODO: And finally, how to do something else
  • (Editing this list should be done in the "Text content" Richtext-Editor on the right)

Course Lessons